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we are Hetki, an ambitious start-up based in Helsinki. 
People involved with Hetki are highly  experienced product, market, software and ai professionals who believe in innovation & value creation for end users. We are deeply passionate about what we do and take pride in our work.


Hetki is creating a world where high value insights from conversations is accessible to all,
to help employees and organizations reach their full potential.


We dream of helping every employee in organizations towards achieving their goal and become successful at their job. Time is so precious. With growing advancements and changes to industries, competition, work environment and remote way of working, individuals and teams in the organization face many challenges at work. 


Hetki is accelerating it's efforts of creating a smart assistant with conversation intelligence, while  building towards a shared vision for a modern platform - where our collective data and insights will empower intelligent workflows and help with automated engagement of teams and organization across the world.


Hetki will become the place to learn about what makes conversations and collaboration effective,
and bring that collective learning to everyone in the organization. 


This is a great time to be part of Hetki's wonderful journey and contribute towards it's success !
We offer great opportunities for you to join us in this journey and make an impact ! 


Reach out to know more :-)

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